How to create publication ?

53 - 18-Aug-2024

What is Gyanva Publication ?

Publication on Gyanva is your own channel where you can publish your artifacts, experiences and knowledge with rest of the world.

How to create publication ?

You get options to create publication at two places.

  1. Right pane of a page

  2. Footer panel 

By clicking on any of these option you will be redirected to the following page. 

"Publication Name" and "Unique Id" are required fields for creating the Publication.

Publication Name : Desired name for your publication.
Unique Id : Unique identifier for you publication. This will generate a unique link for your publication on Gyanva in the format as mentioned below.

We have our official publication on Gyanva with the name "Gyanva Official" and we have set its unique Id as "gyanva". Our unique generated url for the publication is

 We have another publication on Gyanva with the name "Aviation Hub" and its unique id is "aviation_hub". Unique generated url for this publication is

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We offer you a platform to publish your experience, knowledge and research with rest of the world. All you need is to sign up and create your own publication on Gyanva.
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