Saha Airlines Boeing 707

1059 - 09-Dec-2019

It was January 14, 2019 and aircraft was Boeing 707 operated by Saha Airlines. There were 16 people on board as it was a cargo flight. Out of 16 only 1 survived the crash and other 15 were killed in this crash.

The flight was scheduled from Manas International AIrpor, Bishek, Kyrgystan to Payam International Airport, Karaj, Iran. It was carrying meat. It is believed that the crew landed on wrong runway by mistake. They were supposed to land on Payam International Airport but may be by mistake they landed on Fath Air Base. The runway length of this airbase is just 1,300 meters however Boeing 707 generally requires runway length of more the 2,500 meters.

It was clear that the aircraft will not stop on the runway and it over run the runway. A collision with the houses near by stopped the aircraft. It is also reported that the houses involved in the air crash were empty at the time of crash and no one on the ground got hurt because of this accident. The survivor of the aircraft accident was  the flight engineer who was taken to the hospital in critical condition.

The investigation of this aircraft is still in open state.

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