After Musk accuses him of using disability as an excuse, Twitter staff responded

Current Affairs | 08-Mar-2023

Twitter owner Elon Musk had a confrontation on Twitter with an employee of the company he now owns. Haraldur Thorleifsson had asked Musk if he was still an employee at his company or if he had been fired because his access to his work computer had been cut off. After a brief Twitter exchange between the employer and employee went viral, Musk claimed that Thorleifsson, who prefers to be called Halli, said: "The reality is that this guy (who is independently wealthy) didn't do any actual job, claimed as an excuse that she had a disability that prevented her from writing, but simultaneously tweeted up a storm in derision. Claiming she has muscular dystrophy, Halli tweets: "My legs were the first to go. When I was 25 years old, I started using a wheelchair. It's been 20 years since that happened. Meanwhile, the rest of my body was also me. I need help getting in and out of bed and using the bathroom.” "For a long time I believed my arms would stay strong. A doctor told me they would. But eventually they lost strength. Which, I tell you, was hard to take. But you take the cards you're dealt and I've managed to create a life for myself. wonderful," he added.

After a series of tweets outlining her career path, Halli attacked Musk. “I joined the team at a time when the company was growing rapidly. You did the opposite. There were a lot of things going on. The company had quite a few problems, but then again, most big companies do. Or even small businesses, like Twitter today.

"Anyway, I digress, are you still reading? Or is the bathroom ready? What was I saying? Oh yeah, and then you bought the company and told the employees you didn't lay off 75% of which you then did," he tweeted. "Oh! I forgot to mention that I read that you can't go to the bathroom on your own either.

@elonmusk Sorry to hear that. I know that feeling. The only difference is that I can't do it due to a physical handicap and you're afraid someone you hurt will attack you while you're pooping," Halli tweeted.

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