Twitter down for some users globally, netizens asking did Musk cut all ties?

Current Affairs | 07-Mar-2023

The microblogging platform Twitter reportedly suffered a technical problem with Internet users complaining about finding broken links. According to DownDetector, there have been 1,093 complaints from Indian users as of 10 pm However, there have been over 8,000 reports of Twitter issues from users in the United States. ALSO READ: Twitter will increase tweet character limit to 10,000. .com/en/docs/twitter-api for more information." Owner Elon Musk for the issue." Links don't work on Twitter right now which is very weird because Elon Musk had this meeting about being super good at computer code and having all kinds of arrows and flowcharts on whiteboards and everything," one user tweeted. Elon just broke all the links on Twitter..." another user asked. "Twitter's own website rejects native API calls. Things are going well with Elon," another user posted.

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