Grand Theft Auto Legacy: Discovering the most popular games in the GTA franchise

Current Affairs | 22-Feb-2023

The Grand Theft Auto franchise is a true testament to the power of video games. With its sprawling open-world design, immersive gameplay mechanics, and unforgettable characters, the series has captured the hearts and minds of gamers for more than two decades. From the neon-drenched streets of Vice City to the sun-soaked beaches of San Andreas, every game in the franchise has given players a unique and exciting experience that keeps them coming back for more.

La serie a repoussé les limites de ce qui est possible dans les jeux vidéo, offerrant aux joueurs la possibilité d'explorer des villes immenses, de s'engager dans des poursuites à grande vitesse et de s'engager dans une vie de crime pas comme the others. Whether you're a fan of the classic games or the latest installment, Grand Theft Auto V, there's no denying the impact this franchise has had on the gaming industry as a whole.

Here is a list of all the games released in the Grand Theft Auto franchise in chronological order:

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