Sonia Gandhi has alleged that the ruling regime subverts the institutions of the Constitution. Launching a scathing attack on the government on the anniversary of BR Ambedkar's birth, former Congress leader Sonia Gandhi claimed on Friday that the ruling regime is "abusing and subverting" the institutions of the Constitution, and that the people must act to uphold the Constitution against this "systematic aggression". Writing in The Telegraph on the 132nd anniversary of the birth of Ambedkar, the architect of India's Constitution, Sonia Gandhi said today that the real 'anti-nationals' are those who abuse their power to divide Indians among themselves, over the basis of religion, language, caste and gender.
"As we honor Babasaheb's legacy today, we must remember his prescient warning that the success of the Constitution depends on the conduct of those charged with the duty to govern," said the chairman of the Congress parliamentary party.
He alleged that today, the regime in power abuses and subverts the institutions of the Constitution, and weakens its foundations of freedom, equality, fraternity and justice.
Sonia Gandhi has alleged that freedom is "threatened" by the misuse of the law to harass people instead of protecting their rights, and equality is "under attack" by the "privileged treatment given to friends elected" in all walks of life, even when the vast majority of Indians are suffering financially.
"Brotherhood is being eroded by deliberately creating an atmosphere of hate and polarizing indigenous people against each other. The resulting injustice is amplified by putting pressure on the judiciary through sustained campaigns," he declared.
At this crossroads in our nation's history, the people must act to defend the Constitution against this "systematic attack," he said.
"All Indians, wherever they are - political parties, unions and associations, citizens in groups and as individuals - must play their part at this critical time. Dr. Ambedkar's life and struggle teach essential lessons that can serve as a guide" said the former congressman. said the president.
She said the first lesson is to vigorously debate and disagree, but ultimately work together for the benefit of the nation.
The history of India's freedom struggle is full of sharp disagreements between Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Ambedkar, Sardar Patel and many others, he noted.
These debates naturally arouse interest, as they offer many perspectives on serious questions about our future, he added.
"But we must not forget that in the end, all the eminent men and women who fought for our freedom worked together for our independence and to shape our nation. Their ups and downs at different times do not matter. Just to show that they were fellow travelers on a common journey, and they were well aware of the fact,” said Ms. Gandhi.
Dr. Ambedkar's conduct as Chairman of the Constituent Assembly Drafting Committee exemplifies this principle, he said.
He said the second lesson to be learned is to foster a spirit of brotherhood, the foundation of the nation.
“Babasaheb deeply believed in the importance of fostering a brotherhood of Indians as one people, saying that 'without brotherhood, equality and liberty will not go deeper than layers of paint,'” he said, he stated.
In her final speech, she explained how the caste system attacks the roots of brotherhood, calling it "anti-national," recalled Sonia Gandhi.
"Those in power abuse this phrase today, but Dr. Ambedkar explained its true meaning: the caste system is 'anti-national' because it causes separation, jealousy, antipathy, in short, because it divides Indians each other". she said.
"Today, the real 'anti-nationals' are those who abuse their power to divide Indians among themselves, on the basis of religion, language, caste and gender. Fortunately, despite the efforts of the regime , the feeling of brotherhood is deeply rooted in the Indians,” he said.
He cited the example of millions of Indians from all walks of life who have protested against religious divisions, raising their voices for farmers' livelihoods and helping each other as best they can during the COVID-19 pandemic, saying that these examples prove that the meaning of fraternity is beyond doubt.
“We must always nurture that sense of brotherhood and defend it against attack, in our homes, our communities and our organizations,” he said. Ambedkar's third lesson is to always fight for social and economic justice, he said.
"Dr Ambedkar fought for the rights of Dalits as well as the rights of all marginalized individuals and communities. The Constitution's system for backward classes and minorities is flexible and expansive, and has allowed for progressive action to their well-being," he said. noted.
"Today, the challenges of ensuring social justice have taken new forms. The 1991 economic reforms introduced by the Congress government increased prosperity, but now we see growing economic inequality," said Ms. Gandhi.
The “reckless privatization” of public sector units is undermining the reservation system that provided security and social mobility for Dalits, Adivasis and OBCs, he said.
The advent of new technologies threatens livelihoods, but also creates opportunities to organize better and ensure greater equality, he said.
"The challenge is to learn from Babasaheb Ambedkar and ensure social justice in these changing times, and to act on our beliefs in our public and private lives," he said.
He also quoted Babasaheb Ambedkar's last words to the Constituent Assembly: "If we are to preserve the Constitution... let us resolve not to be slow to acknowledge the evils that stand in our way... nor to be weak in our This is the "The only way to serve the country. I know of no better. These words should be our resolution for years to come," he added.
Ambedkar's remarkable life remains an enduring inspiration for all Indians today, he said.