Mahatma Gandhi ji's thoughts has guided our nation for many years. His thoughts are much needed thing in this time of hatred and non violence. There are some thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi.....
1.An eye for eye only ends up making the hole world blind.
2.The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.
3.The future depends on what we do in present.
4.Health is the real wealth. Not pieces of gold and silver.
5.You may never know what result comes of your actions, but if you do nothing, there will be no result.
6.An ounce of practice is worth more then preaching.
7.The greatness of a nation and it's progress can be measured by the way in which it's animals are treated.
8.Happiness is looking at the mirror and liking what you see.
9.If we want real peace in the world, we should start educating children.
10.True education must correspond to the surroundings circumstances or it is not a healthy growth.
11.Violence is sinful. But what is enviteable, is not only declare non violence involved in killing for sacrifice as permissible but even regarded it as meritorious.
12.We can only win our oponent by love, never by hate.
13.Ahinsa is the extreme limit of forgiveness. But forgiveness is the quality of brave.
14.Anger is the enemy of non violence and pride in the monster that swallows up.
15.My religion is based on tuth and nonviolence. Truth is my god.
16.Non violence is the article of faith.
17.A man nothing is best a product of thoughts, he became what he thinks.
18.Freedom is not worth having if it does not included the freedom to make mistakes.
19.Basic education links the children, wealth of the cities or the villages, to all that is best and lasting in India.
20.Non violence requires on double faith, faith in God and also faith in man.
These are some important thoughts of Gandhi ji. We should implement these in our lives.