What the newspapers say – March 25

Current Affairs | 25-Mar-2023

The king and queen consort were due to begin the first state visit of the king's reign on Sunday, but the trip was called off after a night of violent protests across the country. The Times reports that there were fears that anti-Macron protesters could attack the Versailles banquet. The Daily Telegraph reports that the King's trip to France was part of a government strategy to rekindle historic ties with Europe after Brexit.

The Daily Mail points to President Macron accused of "bowing to violence".

The Daily Express reports that the royal tour has been halted due to fears for the king's safety.

The Guardian leads school leaders in England to say that Ofsted's inspection regime is driving them out of the profession.

The Daily Mirror focuses on the NHS dental crisis.

FT Weekend leads Olaf Scholz in dismissing comparisons between Deutsche Bank and Credit Suisse.

And the Daily Star is reporting a "global fart pongdemic" which they say can be blamed on pre-baked baguettes.

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