How to Recognize if it is Boeing or Airbus

287 - 10-Dec-2020

Boeing and Airbus are the two dominant player in the commercial aviation industry. Over the last 20 years, they both have developed a rivalry akin to that of coke and Pepsi. The american owner Boeing and the multinational European Airbus hold roughly equal market share in the industry. Airlines across the world therefore are put up with a crucial decision of choosing one among the two manufacturers. Here are few points of differentiation between Airbus and Boeing:

1. Nose : Boeing aircraft have a pointed and sharp nose whereas Airbus aircraft have a bulbous and slightly curved nose. 


2. Series Number : Boeing aircraft have a series number which starts with "7". You have 737, 747, 757, 767, 777 and the new 787 Dreamliner along with the 747-8 Intercontinental currently under development. Airbus aircraft have a series number with "3". So we have A300, A310, A318, A319, A320, A321, A330, A340, A380 and the A350 currently under development.

3. Airlines operations at Night : At night it becomes even harder to differentiate between the Airbus and Boeing. The exterior light at the tip of the wing which is called Strobe can be used for it. Boeing wing strobe lights flash only once, while Airbus airliners flash twice in rapid succession.


4. Cockpits window corners : Airbus cockpit side windows run in a straight line along the bottom, whereas most Boeing side windows run in a ‘V’ shape along the bottom. Also Airbus aircraft cockpit side windows look like one of their corners have been ‘cut’. Boeings have a 90 degree corner whereas Airbuses have a usually clipped corner.


Note :  A340, B747, A380 have 4 engines, rest all other boeing and Airbus have 2 engines.


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