Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752

77 - 13-Jan-2020

The flight was scheduled internationally from Tehran to Kiev and Ukrain International Airlines was operating it. The aircraft was boarded by 176 people out of which 167 were passengers and 9 were crew members. Unfortunately, none of them survived this fatal crash. The aircraft was Boeing 737-8KV and was three and a half years old.

The airline reported that the aircraft was inspected just 2 days before the crash and denied the theory of any technical issue that caused this crash.


The aircraft was at an altitude of 2416 meters and at the speed of 275 knots. The flight was gaining altitude at 3000 ft/min when it crashed. Earlier, Iranian authorities were claiming that this crash is caused by a technical snag in the aircraft. But some locals recorded the video of crash which was displaying that some object hit the aircraft before crash.

Some theories also pointed out that the crash was caused due to pilot errors, but it was clear that as the Tehran airport is not that simple so the pilots were specially trained for flight from Tehran airport.

Finally, on January 9, 2020 US defence and intelligence officials showed their belief that the aircraft was show down by an Iranian Tor Missile. This statement was based on the evidence from satellite imagery and radar data. Britain officials also supported this assessment.

For the three days Iran was describing it as a lie of America but on Jan 11, 2020 Armed forces of the Islamic Republic of of Iran admitted the human error causing this aircraft crash but shooting it down through the missile. 

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